More pruning
Productive vineyards:
Pruning continues this month too.
The healthy pruned canes are left on the ground, in the middle of the vine rows.
Later, they will be cut and composted.
On the other hand, canes affected by plant diseases are picked and transported away from the vineyard.
In the old vineyards that during the previous two years showed signs of soil fatigue and root asphyxia, roots are cut
about 60 – 100 cm from the row, in the rut left by the tractor, using a subsoiler blade.
This is done every other year on alternate rows.
New vineyards:
In the newly planted vineyards pruning is delayed to prevent cold spells or possible frost from damaging plants.
February is the ideal time to start pruning, because new plant growth is about to start,
and the pruned vines will heal perfecly.